UNITMON v1.92.0 Has Been Released

Thanks for using Unitmon! To make UNITMON an even better experience for you, we focused mainly on PostgreSQL Migration, Kendo Changes and Browser Notifications.
Below is a description of the latest added features, updates and bug fixes we have been working on!
Keep watching us...

In elephant we trust!

"PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system with over 30 years of active development that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and performance." quoted from PostgreSQL official website. We've welcomed them into our system and migrated our database from MSSQL to PostgreSQL! Do not worry about migration issues, as our database migration script will do all the dirty jobs for you in no time!

Browser Notifications

As an IT monitoring tool, we aware the need to take very fast action against detected threats. We've developed browser notifications to keep you informed about any alert situations that occur on UNITMON, immediately.

Kendo Changes

We attach importance to reporting as well as monitoring and vulnerability monitoring. Thus, we upgraded our Kendo version to make our reporting mechanism more user-friendly. You can now export your logs, tracking reports, and scan results more easily.

Roadmap for Next Version

Powerful features are on the way!
  • UNITMON Availability Feature as a Service (SaaS)
  • UNITMON free version
  • UI/UX optimizations
  • SNMP monitoring automatization
Please visit us at www.unitmon.com

  • Added "SQL Server -> PostgreSQL migration"
  • Added "SQL Server -> PostgreSQL migration script: MssqlToPostgres"
  • Added "Browser notification feature"
  • Added "Kendo 2019 transition"
  • Added "12 more new cyber threat intelligent sources"
  • Added "Export PDF & Excel feature for following table view pages"
    a. Incident Management
    b. Scans
    c. Scan Plans
    d. All Monitoring Services
    e. Monitoring Status
    f. Failed Monitoring Status
    g. Audit Logs
    h. Scan Details,Compare with Previos Scans, CVE Status, CVE Details
  • Added "Ignore feature for false positive or solved alerts in incident management"
    a. Update SSL and Whois infos,
    b. Update image for http monitor,
    c. Igore all for leaked data and phishing monitoring
  • Added "Presentation for top 5 application/procesess at resource (CPU/RAM) monitoring "
  • Added "IP and PORT values added NexposeInsightVm scan results"
  • Added "isobil SMS Gateway integration"
  • Added "Timeout definition for asset discovery"
  • Updated "Reusage of Nessus vulnerability scanner."
  • Updated "Severity mapping for Openvas vulnerability founds"
  • Updated "Scheduling mechanism for vulnarebility"
  • Updated "Never option at Vulnerability Scanning Schedule"
  • Updated "W3af profile files for scanning templates"
  • Updated "Newly found asset registration format for discovery and network monitoring"
  • Bug Fix "Asset count length error for defined subnet at Openvas scanning"
  • Bug Fix "Parsing errors for Nexpose scanning reports"
  • Bug Fix "RAM value wrong showing at VMware ESXI monitoring"
  • Bug Fix "Monitorin problem at VMware ESXI servers that have same UUIDs"
  • Bug Fix "Message contet was not changing when disk/ram/cpu resource monitoring for VMware ESXI"
  • Bug Fix "Timeout problem at virtualization monitoring"
  • Bug Fix "Timeout problem at asset discovery"
  • Bug Fix "JETTMesaj SMS Gateway date format problem"



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1. Geleneksel Stajyer CTF Soru ve Cevapları

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