Don’t Get Phished! The UnITMon Anti-Phishing Service

'Phishing’ is a term combination of ‘Password’ and ‘Fishing’. The word is a neologism created as a homophone of fishing due to the similarity of using bait in an attempt to catch a victim but this time in cyber world. The act is a cyber attack especially for email services, banking-finance, telecommunication, social media networks, e-commerce and online gaming. Cyber criminals initialize the process by recording user’s passwords at any platform that requires an authorization.Users usually receive emails with links to websites that are infected with malware. One gets phished by being re-directed to fake sites or by replying phishing emails. These types of phishing sites generally request personnel information, credit card numbers, passwords, account user names and personal / corporate information. Due to practicality purposes in our daily life, Internet usage increased for especially online shopping and online banking where wire transfers or payments in general are involved. Percentage of cyber criminals grew parallel to Internet usage. One of the most effective cyber attacks are impersonating as a trusting corporation and sending out emails with harmful content. 95% of cyber attacks at critical sectors, start with phishing.

CRYPTTECH - Cyber Security Intelligence deciphers phishing domains especially related to payment, invoicing, governmental related by its UnITMon and tweets them at in regularly basis. You can get updated by searching hashtags: #unitmon #crypttech on Twitter.
One of the ways to prevent phishing is to make sure the link extension we’re being directed to, is the same address stating on the label. Website Security Certificates should be checked before giving out personal and/or financial information.

There are millions of dollars of loss by Phishing personal and corporate information every year.

According to APWG (Anti-Phishing Work Group) 2016 first quarter report, there are about 400 brands get scammed every month.
(, 2015 last quarter report states phishing websites increased 250%. March 2016, about 123.000 URL sites contained phishing content. Fake sites contaminate our computers with malware, trojan or ransomware. Turkey is on the second place when it comes to cyber crime just after China.
This statistic shows importance of user awareness and safety precautions. Almost one out of two computers encounter danger.
UnITMon (Unified IT Monitoring), a web based monitoring tool, allows your website to be inspected. The screen you see below is UnITMon catching a phishing domain for a credit card fraud.


UnITMon, constantly updates and evolves its database against phishing attacks. This tool produces notifications when a similar domain name is bought, that way it prevents attacks way before they’re developed.

UnITMon has the ability to monitor black listed domains and IP addresses. This allows corporations to monitor all illegal activities internally and externally.
Content controlling feature monitors all possible loop holes might be of target to hacking.
Content and images are in constant watch for any abnormal behavior and notifies earlier to prevent any damage to reputation or dignity.

UnITMon also has multiple web base processes like online shopping basket and interactive banking. This tool can also diagnose connection difficulties, content change or loading problems.

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